Legal notice


STGM - Société des Téléphériques de la Grande-Motte
A public limited company with a Board of Directors and capital of €3,240,000

Chambéry Trade and Companies Register (RCS) number : 076 920 024

665 Avenue de Grande Motte, Le Val Claret. 73320 Tignes, France

Intra-community VAT number: FR 91 076 920 024

Telephone number : +33 (0)4 79 06 60 00

E-mail address :


Mr Pascal ABRY, acting in his capacity as Managing Director of the STGM.


Company name: AWS France
Registered office: 52 rue du Port, 92000 Nanterre, France



Website design and development: Coreoz
Photographs: STGM internal database, @Andy Parant, Stef Cande, Louis Garnier, Mathias Lopez,


Videos: STGM internal database, Mathias Lopez, ©TignesDéveloppement


By using this website, you accept the following conditions without reservation:

1. Copyright
Fundamental principles

This website and each of its composing elements (information, texts, images, photographs, illustrations, drawings, graphic elements, videos, sounds, data, databases, programmes, software…) are the property of STGM or are subject to rights of usage granted to STGM by the rights holders.
This website and its components are protected under intellectual property law, applicable worldwide.

As such, and in accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code, only the use of this website or its composing elements, for strictly personal, private and non-commercial use is authorised, to the exclusion of any other use.

Except where authorised by law, any reproduction, representation or use of all or part of this website or its composing elements is strictly prohibited without the prior written authorisation of STGM.

Any reproduction, representation or use of this website or its composing elements not expressly authorised constitutes an infringement of the rights of STGM and may result in the civil and criminal liability of the responsible party.

Downloadable content
STGM may make available to users of this website elements (such as photographs, videos, press kits, press releases) that you are authorised to download (hereinafter referred to as "Downloadable Content"). STGM grants you a non-exclusive, free and non-transferable right to copy, download and use the Downloadable Content exclusively for personal and non-commercial purposes for the legal term of protection of intellectual property rights as defined by French and foreign legislation and international agreements (including any subsequent supplementary or amending regulations), provided that the element of the website copied or downloaded is not modified or altered in any way whatsoever, and that the copyright notices and identifying features are clearly and legibly indicated.
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Any improper use of the Downloadable Content that can potentially damage the image and reputation of STGM or the persons represented in the Downloadable Content will result in legal action.

Image reproduction rights
The images or photographs of persons or places indicated on the website are the property of STGM or are used by STGM with the approval of the copyright holders.
Any reproduction, representation, use or modification whatsoever of these images or photographs is prohibited without the prior written authorisation of STGM.

Any use, even partial, of these documents in violation of the aforementioned obligation will result in legal action being taken against the responsible party.

2. Identifying features
The corporate names, commercial names, acronyms, trademarks, logos and other distinctive signs reproduced on this website are protected under trademark law.
Any reproduction, representation or use, in whole or in part, alone or as a part of other elements, of any of the aforementioned identifying features without the prior written authorisation of the rights holder of these identifying features is strictly prohibited.

3. Databases
Any databases made available to you on this website are the property of STGM, in its capacity as a database producer.
It is forbidden to extract or re-use any qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the databases, including for private purposes.


The providing of hypertext links to this website is authorised, on the condition that :
- The pages of this website are not embedded within the pages of another website but are accessible in their entirety in a new separate window.

- The information on this website is not used for any commercial purposes.

- The website from which a hypertext link is established does not contain or transmit information of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature, which may offend the public or damage the image of STGM.

STGM reserves the right to withdraw the authorisation granted at any time and with no obligation of justification whatsoever.


STGM may not be held liable for any of the following :
- A temporary inaccessibility of this website due to maintenance operations.

- An Internet network malfunction affecting access to this site. In this regard, you declare that you are aware of and accept the technical and functional characteristics of the Internet network, as well as its limitations (in terms of access, availability, congestion, failure, saturation, transmission time, response time for displaying, usage, requests or transferring of data, interruption, lack of protection of certain data against misuse or piracy, risk of contamination by a virus…).

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- Any supply of incorrect, incomplete or misleading information on your part.

- Any failure, loss, delay or error in the transmission of data beyond the control of STGM.

- Any type of information that appears on sites to which this website provides hypertext links.

- Any violation of the present Conditions of Use on your part.

Any request relating to the use of your personal data should be sent :
- By postal mail to the following address: STGM - Personal Data Protection Department - BP 53. 73221, Tignes Cedex, France or

- By e-mail to the following address: “”.

All other requests should be sent :

- By postal mail to the following address: STGM - Société des Téléphériques de la Grande-Motte. BP 53 - 73321 Tignes Cedex, France or

- By e-mail to the following address: